We bid farewell to the young men who work at the camp cooking, cleaning, and looking after the guests and got in the 4x4 with Ali for another fun filled ride back to the auberge.
BUT on the way Houssaine, unbeknown to me, had arranged for a special stop in the small village of Khamlia. Khamlia is the home of Gnawa (also spelled Gnaoua) music in Morocco and I have been looking forward to hearing it played authentically, without fusion, for years.
We were greeted and escorted into a room and given time to look at all the memorabilia on the walls. Photos from 1900 to the present, instruments, documents etc. This room was a museum to Gnawa. Then a troup of five musicians came in and they entertained us for more than an hour with chanting, drumming, and dancing. I was brought to tears. The beauty of the music was enchanting and the spiritual nature, clear.
Tea and nuts were served to us.
Another historic moment in my life.
Brings tears to my eyes, knowing it brought tears to yours!